

Page history last edited by Lucas Gillispie 13 years, 11 months ago

Welcome to the iPod Touch Classroom Wiki!


     This wiki has been created as a collaborative space for educators using the iPod Touch in the classroom.  There has been a great deal of demand for a space such as this so that schools and teachers who are using the iPod Touch  to share what they're doing.  This wiki is (and should be) a work in progress as we explore best practices and ideas for implementation of the iPod Touch in the classroom.


If you are using the iPod Touch in your classroom, school, or district, please consider joining this wiki and share what you're learning!








Find a student helper to help manage your classroom set of iPods/iPads.




3/9/2011 - Gillispie - March 2011 - iPad Smackdown for Administrators


2/21/2011 - Gillispie - February 2011 - App Smackdown


12/17/2010 - Gillispie - The Volume Purchase Program explained - http://learninginhand.com/vpp


5/19/2010 - Gillispie - Read Tony Vincent's awesome post on iPod Touch, iPad, and iPhone issues for schools - http://learninginhand.com/blog/ipad-iphone-ipod-touch-issues-for-schools.html


5/3/2010 - Gillispie - Added several iPad App reviews.  Share your own!


4/9/2010 - Gillispie - Starting to add some iPad App reviews to Educational App Reviews (Touch and iPad).  Once I actually get access to one full-time, I'll add more.  Do you have reviews you'd like to share?


4/8/2010 - Gillispie - 37 Users!  Wow!  So excited that we have this interest!  Please contribute anywhere you have experience or ideas.  Also, add yourself to Contributors and Contacts, especially if you'd like to help us build a tight network!


4/7/2010 - Gillispie - Just in case you've been hiding under a rock and didn't know, the iPad is here.  We already have principals in our district asking about classroom use and integration, so as we explore their use in the classroom, I'll add what we learn here.


4/5/2010 - Gillispie - Added a section called Technical and Legal to address technical issues related to implementation and any associated legal issues such as filtering and CIPA compliance.


3/23/2010 - Gillispie - We're up to ten folks who've signed up to contribute.  That's great!  Again, if you know folks who could make a contribution to the knowledge base, please refer them.


3/22/2010 - Gillispie - Wow!  About an hour after announcing the wiki and we already have 5-6 authors!  Tell your iPod Touch-using colleagues! 


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